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List of Trainers

A list of dressage trainers in Arizona is published in the Arizona Omnibus.

TDC does not license, certify, or endorse any of the trainers listed in the Arizona Omnibus.

Dressage University

Dressage University is the Tucson Dressage Club's ongoing educational program. Through the Dressage University we offer a variety of topics taught by local experts. TDC members earn "university credits" by attending classes. At the end of each year, degrees are presented at the Annual Awards Banquet to those who have met the requirements.

By attending Dressage University classes you can earn a "Dressage" degree.

  • Three Classes - Graduate
  • Four Classes - With Honors
  • Five Classes - Magna Cum Laude

Promoting the art and sport of dressage in southeast Arizona since 1975

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