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Recognized Shows

If you are competing for USDF and US Equestrian Federation awards, in addition to the information provided on this page, check their websites for participation requirements and rules. 


USDF/USEF Entry Form - Please use the entry form found in each prize list for that particular show or use Equine Entries. 

USEF/USDF Member Verification Program - Print out membership information for you and your horse.

USEF Vaccination Rule 

USDF Competitor Feedback - USDF welcomes feedback from your recent competition experience

Schooling Shows


Tucson Dressage Club Schooling Show at M2 10/12/2024

Schooling Show Entry Form - Unless otherwise noted in specific show information, all schooling shows use this entry form.

TDC Schooling Show Rules


2025 Horse Nomination Form 

2025 Arizona State Championship Show Rules

USEF Rules 


Awards are calculated on the scores earned during the membership year ~ Dec 1 through Nov 30


Volunteer Requirements: Volunteerism and/or Service to the organization is required. Minimum of 6 volunteer/service hours per membership year are required and may be obtained by one or a combination of the following: 

  • Volunteer hours at TDC competitions or TDC events
  • Paid sponsorship ($10 = 1 hour)
  • Serving as TDC board member (full year) or on a committee– automatically meets the requirement
  • Donating your facility to host a TDC event (schooling shows, clinics, etc.) (4+ hrs credit)
  • Writing articles for our Transitions newsletter (1-2 hrs credit)
  • Submitting Barn News (1/4 –  1/2 hour credit) or Training Tidbits (1/4 hour credit) for the Transitions newsletter
  • Organizing a fundraiser for our JR/YRs (4+ hours credit)
  • Volunteering also makes you eligible for TDC Scholarships and Travel Grants!

***Rider is responsible for submitting the Volunteer Tracking Sheet to the TDC Awards Committee to be eligible for Year End Awards.

***Tracking sheet is due YEA's Coordinator or TDC Secretary by November 30 of each award year. 

Membership Requirements: 

  • Rider and Owner of the horse must be current TDC member(s) in good standing BEFORE scores are earned.
  • A member in good standing is defined as one whose paid membership has been recorded by the TDC Membership Chairperson.
  • If Horse is owned by a Business, then an Individual person from that Business must have a current membership with TDC.
  • Horses may be of any age, sex, or breed


It is the responsibility of the riders and owners to check the accuracy of scores and the horse, rider, and owner names recorded by the TDC Awards Committee. Discrepancies must be reported to the TDC Awards Committee by the 15th of the month following the show report. Scored may be verified in the TDC newsletter (Transitions), on the TDC website, or by contacting the TDC Awards Committee Chair.  

All awards will be presented at the TDC Year-End Awards Banquet. For further details on award requirements, please refer to the awards information below or contact the TDC Awards Chairperson.

Scores are tabulated using percentage scores earned throughout the membership year at each level and in each division.

Awards – awards are tabulated separately for recognized and schooling shows for champion through sixth place, unless otherwise noted

Horse Awards – Scores may be earned by more than one Rider.

Rider Awards – Scores may be earned on more than one Horse.

The average of the Rider’s scores must be greater than or equal to the AZ State Championships qualifying score for the respective Division and level.

Riders may be of any age or sex, unless otherwise specified in an individual award description.

Musical Freestyle tests are only eligible for Musical Freestyle awards.

Champion may not be won more than three (3) times by the same horse/rider combination at the same level, with the exception of Grand Prix.

Horse and Rider Information:  please pay extra attention to how your information is filled out on each entry blank and to how that information is recorded by the show secretary. The horse's name must be entered the same way on each entry blank for the score(s) to count. The horse's name must be recorded the same way for each ride. If there is a name or status change during the show season, notify the Awards Chairperson immediately.


Adult Amateur:  A rider shall compete as an Adult Amateur from the beginning of the calendar year in which s/he reaches the age of 22. (See USEF rules)

Junior:  a rider under the age of 18

Awards for Training through Fourth Level will be calculated separately for 13 and under and 14-18 age riders

Open:  rider over the age of 18 and not eligible to compete as an adult amateur or Young Rider (See USEF rules)

Rookie:  Training or First Level riders who are in their first year of competing at recognized dressage shows. The riders may have shown in other equestrian disciplines prior to showing in dressage. Champion and Reserve Champion will be awarded. Riders must be Juniors, Young Riders or Adult Amateurs. Riders must declare that they are rookie riders by notifying the Awards Chairperson in writing (e‐mail is considered "in writing").

Young Rider:  A rider is eligible to compete as a Young Rider from the beginning of the calendar year in which s/he reaches the age of 16 until the end of the calendar year in which the rider reaches the age of 21. (See USDF rules)

Vintage:  a Vintage Rider is anyone who is 50 years or older as of November 1st of the membership year

Western:  as defined in USEF Rulebook, Section WD (Western Dressage)

Para-Equestrian:  It is a condition of participation in FEI para-equestrian dressage classes that the Athlete has a permanent, verifiable and measurable physical or visual impairment which is supported by medical evidence and satisfies the minimal impairment criteria as detailed in the FEI PE Classification Manual. See DR119.11-13. (see USEF Rulebook, Section DR 305)

Introductory (schooling show award only) Rider/horse combination for USEF Introductory Level


Scores: The top six (6) scores earned in at least three (3) TDC or ADA USEF/USDF recognized shows will be used to tabulate the awards in the Recognized Show division for the USEF Training through Fourth Levels. The top three (3) scores earned in at least three (3) TDC or ADA USEF/USDF recognized shows will be used to tabulate the awards in the Recognized Show Division for the FEI levels and Musical Freestyle.

Eligible Events are Hosted by Arizona GMOs: Tucson Dressage Club and Arizona Dressage Association

  • TDC Recognized Shows
  • ADA Recognized Shows
  • TDC or ADA Recognized Open Show in conjunction with a State or Regional Championship

The following scores do not count toward year end awards:

  • Scores from Maiden Horse, Maiden Rider, Quadrille, Pas de Deux, Prix Caprilli, Equitation, Suitability, Bareback, or other specialty classes
  • Scores from breed restricted shows
  • Scores from Regional or State Championship classes
Award Categories and Divisions:
  • Training through FEI – Horse/Rider combination
  • Open
  • Adult Amateur
  • Junior
  • Young Rider
  • Musical Freestyle
  • Western
  • High Point Horse (Training through FEI; all riders)
  • High Point Rider (Training through FEI; all horses)
  • Open
  • Adult Amateur
  • Junior
  • Young Rider
  • Vintage
  • Rookie
  • Para-Equestrian
  • Western

schooling show awards requirements

ELIGIBLE SHOWS:  All TDC recognized schooling shows during the membership year will count towards year-end Schooling Show Awards. This includes the on-line competitions organized by TDC.

AWARD LEVELS:  Introductory through FEI

      • Open riders are not eligible for Introductory Level award
      • For Introductory through Fourth Levels, required scores must be earned within those levels
      • For FEI, required scores may be earned on any FEI level  test

AWARD DIVISIONS:  Adult Amateur, Junior, Young Rider, Open, Rookie, Vintage, Western, Para-Equestrian

      • Awards in the Junior Division will be tabulated separately for riders 13 and under and for riders 14-18.
      • If there are no classes specifically designated as Young Rider classes, riders meeting the Young Rider criteria shall ride in the Open Division.
      • All scores earned by a Young Rider in the Open Division will be counted towards year-end awards

SCORES: All scores for year-end awards are tabulated using percentage scores earned by each horse/rider combination throughout the membership year at each level and in each Division

      • Top six (6) scores per level earned in at least three (3) TDC-recognized schooling shows will be used to tabulate the awards for each Division
      • The top three (3) Musical Freestyle scores earned in at least three (3) TDC-recognized schooling shows will be used to tabulate this award
      • Rookie, Vintage, and Western awards are rider-only awards

Download YEA information as a document here. 

Volunteer Tracking form for YEA

Promoting the art and sport of dressage in southeast Arizona since 1975

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