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Qualified Riders and Horses for Arizona State Championships
Riders and Horses by Division & Level
Eligible but not GMO affliated
Region 5 September News
We are getting ready to schedule our Region 5 meeting, stay tuned for more information. I’m aiming for October. We will also have another Regional meeting just before convention in November and a meeting during the USDF Convention.
Many, many applauses for our 2 Region 5 youth who represented us at the North American Youth Championships in Traverse City! Catherine Burlew and her combined team of Regions 4/5/7 earned the Team Silver Medal and Jessica Nordquist with her combined team of Regions 3/5 earned the Team Gold Medal! We are so very proud of each of you, your families and your support teams! Way to go!
Many congratulations to all of our folks who also competed at the USEF Festival of Champions at Lamplight in Illinois. We had folks in almost every single division and they all did really well! Several folks from Region 5 brought home Championships and top placings, super job!
Good luck to everyone at the upcoming Regional Championships! Many thanks go to the Rocky Mountain Dressage Society for hosting Regionals this year. We have over 270 horses entered from all over our region! I will be at the Regional Championships, so if you have any thoughts, ideas or concerns, please come talk to me, I’d love to chat with you.
for more Region 5 info, look here
A Great educational opportunity presented by ADA
ADA Presents: The Core Transformation Educational Series
In response to your generous support, the above headline aptly describes the mantra of the ADA Education Committee! We are so very excited to announce the re-emergence of educational symposiums for our club!
Soul searching for what’s best for OUR dressage community produced the question of “what’s the most important aspect that impacts Dressage performance”? An important question that begs an answer!
We have all heard the clichés associated with Dressage that, “It’s the journey”, and “it’s a partnership”. The reason these clichés are so old and repeated so frequently, is because they are true.
In excellent horsemanship, balance of the rider and balance of the horse are paramount. Balance between the horse and rider is what determines the quality of the all important phrase, “connection”. Without these functional relationships, the beauty, harmony, partnership, and yes, intimacy; aspects that the Dressage experience offers, can never be fully realized. One of every rider’s spoken or unspoken goals, is to ride with confidence, achieving a sense of satisfaction and completion! Let’s be honest, isn’t that why we all ride?
It is with tremendous excitement that the ADA Education Committee introduces this new concept, in a three part symposium series synergistically designed to enhance and invigorate your Dressage experience.
SYMPOSIUM #1-THE BIOMECHANICS OF CORE TRANSFORMATION STARTS WITH YOU AND YOUR CORE! September 28, 2024 at Bar A Registration opens August 28, 2024
For More infornation on this opportunity, click here
USDF Launches Book Club Featuring Top Authors and Professionals
Lexington, KY (July 1, 2024) - The United States Dressage Federation™ (USDF) is pleased to announce the launch of the new USDF Book Club. This exciting program is the newest in a long list of education initiatives and opportunities created and offered by USDF. By participating in the USDF Book Club, members will be introduced to the published works of the industry’s top authors and professionals, and engage them in firsthand discussions through webinars and on The Dressage Radio Show podcast.
Each year, USDF will host four webinars, one for each of the four books selected annually, where authors will be invited to participate to discuss their works from the writing process and content matter, to how their thoughts on the subject may have evolved since publication. Participants will also have the opportunity to participate in question and answer sessions, both in the webinars and when the authors are featured on The Dressage Radio Show podcast. Additionally, participants in the USDF Book Club will have opportunities to earn education credits, while their home USDF Regions and Group Member Organizations (GMOs) compete to earn awards based on participation. Read on for more info and books selected for 2024
Classified Ads and Services
Advertise your services and goods for sale on the website and be seen!
For more information about getting your business on our website, click here.
A special thank you to all of the volunteers who made the show such a wonderful success!
Without volunteers the shows would not be possible!
Tucson 2023 Year End Awards for Schooling and Recognized Shows
Photo Montage of 2023 State Championships
Lexington, Ky. – The US Equestrian Federation strives to consistently ensure the safety and welfare of both our human and equine athletes. One fundamental aspect of equine safety is microchipping. Microchips in horses allow for immediate onsite verification of horses for the purpose of safeguarding the health of each horse. This is vital, especially during times of disease outbreaks or natural disasters.
To this end, the US Equestrian Board of Directors approved a new microchipping rule during the 2023 Mid-Year Board meeting. Beginning December 1, 2025, under GR 1101.1, all horses competing in USEF-licensed or -endorsed competitions must be microchipped with a 15-digit ISO compliant 11784/11785 chip.
SAAHA- Southern Arizona Arabian Horse Association- is sponsoring a High Point Award for Arabians, Half Arabians or Anglo Arabians at Tucson shows.
For more infomation, click here
If you are wondering how you can get more involved with TDC, we need help on committees! Do you like writing? We need help with newsletter submissions! Do you want to help with the recognized competitions? Join the Show Committee! Do you like putting together events? We can use help preparing for the clinics/symposiums, socials, & schooling shows! Are you craving more social activities for club members? We would love a small committee of people that organize social events! Do you like to be more on the tech side of things? Perhaps helping maintain the website would be of interest! Let us know how you would like to support dressage in our community through volunteering with Tucson Dressage Club. Contact us with your enthusiasm at tucsondressagclub2@gmail.com or bobbi@amadoequine.com
GMO Volunteer Incentive Program
Members of the GMO now are able to participate in a new award program sponsored by the USDF. GMO members log their hours on a form (link to more information and form below) and that is then validated by a GMO officer. Once a milestone has been achieved, the member submits the GMO Volunteer Incentive Program tracking sheet to USDF.
Tucson Dressage Club Eligibility and Requirements for Year End Awards - Recognized and Schooling Shows
Volunteerism and/or service to the club is required to be eligible for schooling show and recognized show year end awards.
Please note that for TDC Recognized Show Year End Awards:
Eligible Events are Hosted by Arizona GMOs: Tucson Dressage Club and Arizona Dressage Association
· TDC Recognized Shows
· ADA Recognized Shows
· TDC or ADA Recognized Open Show in conjunction with a State or Regional Championship
To learn about opportunities for volunteering and/or serving the club, please read the